Warm Colors (Yellow, Orange, Red) = Shows overweight
Cool Colors (Blue, Green, Purple) = It shows weak
Everyone knows that black is generally the skinniest color. However, did you know that navy blue makes you look slimmer than black?
Bright colors make you look fatter than you are. It is better to turn to cold, darker colors instead of bold, bright colors. Dark green, burgundy and brown have been used as much as black in plus-size collections in recent years.
Another way to look slim is to use contrasting colors. For example, if the place where the weight is concentrated is the hip area, it will be black. trousers white on shirt or a dark colored T-shirt if the weight is in the abdomen and stomach area A light colored skirt can be preferred underneath. So you can use more colors.
Colors that overweight men or women can use are common. For a look that is both stylish and slim, instead of evaluating the clothes piece by piece, choosing the entire combination as a whole with the same care from head to toe will lead the plus size person to the right result.